If you are struggling to keep up with your utility bills, Neighbor to Neighbor may be able to help with utility assistance. If you are behind on utilities, but not rent, you are still eligible to apply.

Utility Assistance Programs:

Customers of the following utility providers who need assistance with a past-due utility bill may call N2N during business hours or leave a message on N2N’s Assistance Line:

  • Excel Energy

  • Black Hills

  • Atmos

  • City of Loveland

N2N Assistance Line: (970)829-0296, select option 2, and leave a message with your contact information and a brief explanation of your situation.

N2N Loveland Office: 970-663-4163

N2N Fort Collins Office:  970-484-7498


Additional Resources:

While we strive to help as many neighbors as possible, limited funding means that we must focus on households with the greatest needs and highest risks. We recommend you contact your utility provider to request an extension or payment arrangement. We also encourage you to explore the following resources:

Colorado Low-income Energy Assistance Program (LEAP)
Utility Assistance from Energy Outreach Colorado
Tips for saving energy
Consejos para ahorrar energía