The Stitzel Society

Without the visionary leadership of Lou Stitzel, Neighbor to Neighbor would not exist. Her passion for advocating for people in need was contagious. We honor Lou’s legacy with our steadfast commitment to overcoming today’s housing challenges through sustainable solutions and compassionate solutions.

“Lou Stitzel was known for her willingness to try new solutions to housing challenges. She had incredible tenacity and the ability to get the right people together to make a huge difference in our community. ”

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”
~ Margaret Mead

A Thriving Community Begins At Home.

Lou Stitzel's former East Laurel home

When we support opportunities for all residents to participate in and contribute towards the health and wealth of our community, everyone benefits. 

The Stitzel Society is a growing community of compassionate neighbors who support Neighbor to Neighbor’s mission with an annual gift of $1,000 or more. For as little as $85 per month, your support can help change the path for future generations – including improving a family’s stability, health outcomes, educational attainment, and earning potential.

As a Stitzel Society member, you’ll receive the following benefits:

01.  Recognition in N2N’s Annual Report

02. Invitation to Stitzel Society special events

03. Insider updates and success stories from N2N’s Executive Director

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Stitzel Society Inquiry

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