“I came to N2N during a financial crisis I could not have imagined – one I certainly wasn’t prepared for. A house fire displaced me from my home, and I was living in a hotel for three months. I finally found a little apartment in Fort Collins – and the day after moving in, the entire country shut down due to COVID-19. As an aesthetician who provides facials, my industry was shut down, and then severely limited, for two years.

I was still looking for a job when unemployment ended, and I began living off my savings. I just didn’t have the money to pay much more than rent. Between my car payment and insurance, my electric bill, and the high price of gas, I started to become delinquent on bills.

I was under such duress, and then I learned about Neighbor to Neighbor. The counselor told me there is no shame in asking for help. She immediately helped me pay my electric bill – which was about to be turned off, and then she helped me apply for rental assistance.

Not only was the help a huge relief, but it saved me from homelessness. I caught up on the three months I was behind on my car payment. I finally got a decent job, then I got another job. I’m still working two jobs, but I’m caught up and I am extremely grateful.

N2N literally saved my life. You cannot put a monetary value on restoring someone’s faith in humanity. It’s priceless! I have learned so much from this experience, and I’ve grown in wisdom and spirit. Neighbor to Neighbor was the friend I needed to lean on when things got really, really, bad. I can’t imagine how many other stories there are that are like mine or worse. Now, I’m looking forward to giving back to the community within the next year when I’m fully back on my feet.”

