For over 27 years, Neighbor to Neighbor has been keeping families housed in Loveland. On April 24th, the N2N’s Loveland Advisory Board will host the 3rd Annual Morning Meet & Eat to connect supporters, housing professionals, and community members who want to learn more about N2N’s role and available resources in the Loveland housing market. This is a great opportunity to meet with like-minded professionals and members working in housing services or the housing market.

This year, we are pleased to welcome Larimer County Housing Stability Manager Alea Rodriguez to our morning discussion. As a former N2N Program Director, Alea has an invaluable depth of housing knowledge, and she plans to share recent data and factors impacting housing at the local level, as well as current and future county projects.

Neighbor to Neighbor’s Executive Director Kelly Evans will address the challenges of maintaining affordability in our area and how community members can help create change at the local level. Time will be reserved for questions and discussion.

Neighbor to Neighbor’s Loveland Advisory Board is comprised of volunteer ambassadors living or working in Loveland who oversee N2N’s Loveland housing stability operations and serve to increase awareness and support within the community. N2N impacts hundreds of Loveland households annually with homelessness and eviction prevention, affordable apartment homes, homeownership education, and support.