The holidays are right around the corner, and while many of the members of our community will be stuffing birds, trimming trees and hanging stockings in the comfort of their own homes, some of our neighbors don’t know where they will spend the holidays or even if they will have a roof over their heads. We can help answer that question, but we need your help.
Tuesday, December 4th is Colorado Gives Day, which is the single biggest day of giving in Colorado! We hope you’ll consider joining the rest of Colorado by contributing on that day. We especially hope you’ll consider Neighbor to Neighbor as you’re making your contribution.
Your donation will go to help folks like Bethany and her family, who were homeless before coming to Neighbor to Neighbor. Here’s her story, in her own words:
“Before moving in with Neighbor to Neighbor, we were homeless. My son was struggling and missing school due to our situation. Now, we have a stable place to live and my son is excelling. He is in Advanced Math and English, with straight A’s! Our family would like to say thank you to N2N for our stable home.”

Here’s what we will do with your contribution:
- Provide emergency rent assistance to keep folks in their home when they would have been evicted otherwise.
- Provide first month’s rent assistance to those who are experiencing homelessness or need to move into a new home.
- Provide information to those who are interested in fulfilling their dreams of home ownership through our HomeBuyer Education classes.
- Keep your money in Larimer County to ensure your dollars are helping your neighbors in your community.