Neighbor to Neighbor


  • April N2N Eviction Prevention Assistance:
    • 301 Households requested rent assistance.
    • 192 Households received April rent assistance
    • Total distributed: $130,023 (584% increase)
    • Average assistance = $675/household ($750 max per household)
    • 20 undocumented households received assistance.
  • May 4, 2020 Progress Report:
    • Total rent assistance estimate: $170,000 to 250 households
    • $31,533 has been distributed to 46 households for May assistance.
    • 170 households are currently pending for May assistance.
    • 18 undocumented households are currently pending for May assistance.
    • Fort Collins estimate: $118,800 to 173 households; Loveland estimate: $45,000 to 68 households.
  • Fort Collins April Rent Assistance demographics:
    • 136 households received assistance.
    • Total distributed: $91,506
    • Avereage Area Median Income: 19%
    • Average age of applicant: 37
    • Language: 15% not fluent in English, 84% fluent in English, 1% no response
    • Race: 64% white, 7% African American, 4% American Indian, 4% Asian, 8% other/multi-race, 13% no resp.
    • Ethnicity: 37% Hispanic, 53% not Hispanic, 10% no response
    • Mobile home residents: 77% no, 10% yes, 13% no response
  • Loveland April Rent Assistance demographics:
    • 44 households received assistance.
    • Total distributed: $29,567
    • Average Area Median Income: 18%
    • Average age of applicant: 37
    • Language: 4% not fluent in English, 96% fluent in English
    • Race: 71% white, 12% African American, 4% American Indian, 6% other/multi-race, 7% no response
    • Ethnicity: 21% Hispanic, 75% not Hispanic, 4% no response
    • Mobile home residents: 82% no, 3% yes, 15% no response

Questions – Contact N2N Executive Director, Kelly Evans, 970-488-2363 or [email protected].

  • Snapshot of client experiences:
    Client works in childcare and has not been able to find work due to COVID.
    Client was temporarily laid off from work in a restaurant. Her partner is self-employed laying flooring, which he hasn’t been able to do during the pandemic.
    Client is requesting assistance because she is a hair stylist and is temporally out of work due COVID-19.
    Husband is owns handy man service but hasn’t worked since March 27th. rent is $700, wife does not work.
    Client is waiting to return to her bartending job. Needs assistance with May rent.
    Client left job in January; just had a baby. Her partner is a construction worker with reduced hours.
    Client is a tattoo artist and temporarily laid off due to COVID-19. She picked up a part time job at the beginning of March as soon as she lost her regular job. The part time job brings in much less than her regular job and she is having trouble covering rent and bills.
    Client and husband are both laid off from work due to COVID. Client is getting small amount of unemployment, but husband is sub-contractor and is having difficulties getting approved.
    Client is furloughed and husband is unable to work due to cancer treatment.
    Client works in-home care and the majority of her clients are being cared for by family during this time. Client was able to pay April rent w/ stimulus check but will be needing assistance for May.
    Client is employed at a restaurant and is working reduced hours due to the pandemic.
    Client works cleaning offices. Was laid off and unsure if she is still employed, boss has not contacted.
    Client’s partner was a cook and was laid off due to pandemic. Client is a stay at home mom.