Hi everyone,
Thanks for taking time for this report from your neighborhood nonprofit! This year, we celebrated 50 years of providing stable homes to individuals and families. The year started strong with 300+ of our friends at N2N’s “Rent Party” in July 2019. I’m so glad we gathered then! In December, we slept OUTSIDE with our friends at Plymouth Church to raise funds and homelessness awareness. In January, we invited our key national partner, Neighborworks America, onsite to review N2N operations. N2N continues to meet “exemplary” standards, the highest possible ranking nationally! A few months later, we responded to the pandemic by moving staff to home offices, adapting programs, and expanding some N2N services by 2,000%.
In the last six months, N2N has distributed over $1,000,000 in emergency assistance to preserve stable homes. How we’re able to do that is just as exciting as the fact itself: over 610 individual contributions from YOU, our supporters and wonderful neighbors, have made it possible for over 1,000 local families to remain in homes during this time!
Your support changes the trajectory of future generations who get to grow up in stable homes. Thank you to each and every N2N supporter, staff member, volunteer, board member, etc. You make our community strong!
– Kelly Evans, Executive Director
Revenue Breakdown
- Affordable Properties Earned Income: $1,409,400
- Government Grants: $780,100
- Corporate, Foundation, and Nonprofit Grants: $412,500
- Individual Donations: $386,171
- Rent Parties: $30,029
- Other Income: $25,400
- Total: $3,043,600
Expenses Breakdown
- Homelessness Prevention Program: $1,006,300
- Affordable Properties: $979,500
- Fundraising and Administration: $375,800
- 2020-2021 COVID Response Reserves: $300,000
- Homeownership Programs: $142,300
- Property Reserves: $75,000
- Total: $2,878,900
Due to COVID response demand extending into the 2020-2021 fiscal year, we reserved some initial funding received to ensure we are able to continue meeting the needs of the community.
*These numbers have not yet been audited.